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Summer Sunday School Program

Beginning Sunday, May 31, 2015, we will be studying Pilgrim’s Progress in the adult Sunday school class for our summer series.

Thanks to Great Commission Publications @GCP_Publication the children’s classes will also be studying Pilgrim’s Progress using these great new resources.

Be sure to join us for Sunday school this summer.

CareNet Center Open Houses

CareNet Pregnancy Resource Centers in the area will be hosting open houses which will give opportunities for tours of the facilities and learning about this important ministry from center leaders and volunteers.


Saturday, May 30th, 10:30am – 2pm at the Woodbridge location:

3122 Golansky Blvd., Suite 101


Friday, June 5th, 5-8pm at the Manassas location:

8691 Stonewall Road, Suite B.

SRPC Spring Workday: May 2nd

work dayOur Spring Workday this year will be held on May 2nd (weather backup May 9th) from 8am to 12 noon.  Volunteers are needed to help spruce up our building and grounds.  Add your name to the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the hallway or send an email to our coordinator, Ralph Bentley