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Valentine FLOCK February 13th at 6:30pm

It is almost time for our annual Valentine FLOCK (Fun-Loving Older Covenant Kids) event.  Saturday the 13th of February at 6:30 PM at the church building we will have a meal (food provided by the men) and a fun activity. We would like a small childhood picture of each person attending. We are going to have a guessing game so please put your photo in an envelope with your name on it. You will receive them back. Please bring them to church and give them to Gina Powell. If you want to come and haven’t had a chance to sign up, the sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. This is a dinner for college age and above adults, but there will be a nursery available for kids 0-8 yrs old. Please note the need for nursery when you sign up. We will also have a game scheduled after dinner that Ryan Heisey will be running. Hope all of you can come. If you have any questions or wish to sign up with me please contact Gina Powell.


snowing_by_austriaangloalliance-d5r9ankDear Brothers and Sisters,


I’m sure this comes as no surprise.  The winter storm appears at this point to be picking up even more intensity.  We’ve heard reports that it may last until 10pm this evening.

The Session encourages everyone to use the Lord’s Day tomorrow to worship in your homes.  It really would be kinda cool if we all gathered in our homes at 10:45 to worship, wouldn’t it?  Just sayin’.

Obviously, there will be necessary things to do in order to keep the driveway clear in case of any emergency.  Should anyone experience a power failure, please let us know (assuming you still can use the cell phone and internet).  We are not a disaster relief center, but there may be things we can do to help.  Some of you may be house-bound for several days due to location.  We want to know how you’re doing, so please stay in touch as much as possible.

In order to facilitate family worship, I have attached a guide for a suggested order of worship.  It includes suggested prayers and songs to be sung.  Feel free to make this your own.  It is only a guide.


I have provided a link to a short (as we count it; 30 minutes) sermon by Dr. Carl Trueman.  Dr. Trueman pastors Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Ambler, PA, and also teaches historical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.   He delivered this message at the chapel service of the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY, where Dr. Al Mohler is president, in September of 2015, I believe. The title of the message is “Ambassadors for Christ.” If you are not able to access the link, then I would encourage you to read and discuss 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 should you wish to use the suggested worship guide.  Again, this is only a suggested worship liturgy to help you should you want or need it.


I will miss being with my family in Christ tomorrow, but look forward to worshiping with you the following Lord’s Day, deo volente.

May our God be with you all and keep you close in His care.

Pastor Michael

Christmas FLOCK: Saturday, December 5 at 6pm

Please join us for our annual Christmas FLOCK (Fun-Loving Older Covenant Kids) on Saturday, December 5 at 6pm at the church. This is a much anticipated, fun-filled pot luck and white elephant gift exchange. It is for our 18 and older members only, but a nursery will be provided.

There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer to sign up to bring food items. To participate in the “white elephant” gift exchange each person should bring a wrapped gift. The gift can be something found around the home, a “re-gift” item, or something you have purchased. Please do NOT spend more than $15 for a purchased gift.

china elephant isolated on black
china elephant isolated on black