Recent Posts

New WEEKLY observance of the Lord’s Supper.

communionBeginning in the month of November we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper each Lord’s Day in worship.  

If you have questions or wish to review the teaching lessons please contact Pastor Michael.  As a good resource for preparation, please consult the Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 25 and the Westminster Larger Catechism, Questions 168-175.

Senior Fellowship Brown-Bag Lunch October 12

640px-NCI_Visuals_Food_Meal_LunchSenior Fellowship will be starting back up on October 12, 2016. The lunches are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the church building. If you are on the senior-side of 50 and would like to join us, please bring your lunch and join us for a good time of fellowship. If you have questions please contact PAULA STRAIN

Ladies Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10 am

biblestudySome really awesome ladies meet at 10 am on Tuesday mornings at the church facility for a study of G.I. Williamson’s The Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes. All ladies are welcome to attend even if they have not attended in the past. Childcare is provided.

This coming Tuesday, September 20th, we will be going over chapter 20 of the book which covers the WSC question # 25.

CANCELLED: Ladies Book Club Monday, September 19


Due to many of the ladies not able to attend, we are cancelling Ladies Book Club for tomorrow evening (Monday, September 19). I apologize for the short notice.

We are considering the possibly to meet on another evening—perhaps third Thursday of the month? Please let Maria know your thoughts on that change.

Ministry Opportunity: Tutoring

4552277923_2886cd071e_oCrossroads PCA in Dumfries is asking for volunteers to help with a tutoring ministry at Orchard Landing Apts. Men or women 18 years old or older. You would need to be able to donate two hours once a week (Monday or Wednesday). See flier posted on bulletin board in the hallway for more details. Also, fliers are available to take on the table in hallway.