It is with a disappointed spirit that I have to inform you all that we will be cancelling the Church campout this weekend. The forecast for our particular location is really bleak and has not varied very much at all. While I know there are a few diehards that would still stick it out with us, I believe even those would have a miserable time. And while having a miserable time together can build the body closer, it can also just be miserable. The fact that today is so beautiful makes it that much harder. If there are still those that would like to come out and try for a hot dog burn/smores/fishing in the rain visit, we will be here, just let us know.
Friday night is showing 100% chance rain,
Thursday night is just a little better, we can try something
Friday during the day (if the wood will burn or the fish will bite), just contact me separately and we can try to work something out. And if you really have a burning desire to soggy-camp, let me know.
Setting up tents and tearing them down in the rain can be pretty miserable. Someday, we will have a pavilion to have cooking and fellowship even when it rains, but right now it looks like we would all just be sitting in our separate tents and not even able to cook over a fire.
As of right now, we do not have a makeup date. We may try a shorter version later in the summer, but nothing promising right now.
 ~from Joe Deane [Wed, May 10, 2017 at 9:43 PM]