Feb. 22nd Worship Service is ON!

cropped-116b-e13303935978321.jpgWhile the 9:30 a.m. Sunday school hour has been cancelled due to the weather conditions our regular worship service will begin as scheduled at 10:45 a.m.

As always, use your best judgment in your own ability to navigate roads, the parking lot, and sidewalks.  If you believe conditions are unsafe for you please do not put yourself at risk.

No Sunday School, February 22nd

Icicles in The SunDue to the wintry weather conditions there will be no Sunday school tomorrow, February, 22, 2015.

We will be assessing the weather conditions and make a determination in the morning regarding the worship service. As of now, the plan is to go ahead and gather for worship since we understand that it may be warm enough by the worship hour to facilitate safe driving conditions.  In the event that your Session believes it best to cancel the worship service due to weather conditions we will send out notification as soon as possible.
Again, Sunday School will be canceled for tomorrow, but, as of now (Saturday evening 10:00 p.m.), we will plan on gathering for worship at the normal time of 10:45 a.m.

The Christmas FLOCK is Coming!!


Want to see a side of your fellow SRPC members that you have never seen before? Plan to join us for this fun event. It is amazing what hilarity a white elephant gift exchange can bring.

Christmas FLOCK (Fun-Loving Older Covenant Kids) will be Saturday the 13th of December at 6 PM at the church. It is dinner and a gift exchange for adults. Young adults of college age and above are also welcome. There will be a nursery available for kids 6 years and under. We collect donations during the dinner to pay the nursery workers. Each person/couple should bring a main dish AND a choice of either a side or dessert. Each person should bring a wrapped gift for the gift exchange. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer. We need the number of those attending and the number for the nursery as soon as possible for the purpose of setting up the number of nursery workers needed. Any questions, please call or email Gina Powell @703-590-1269 or rgp2002@aol.com.

Friday, November 21st – Presuppositional Apologetics Seminar





Q: What is the vision?

A: The vision is to glorify God and encourage, equip  and edify parents and their young adult/adult children,

Q: Why these seminars?

A:  These seminars are intended to exalt Christ and challenge and promote biblical thinking in apologetics.

Q: Why three seminars?

A: Three seminars are offered in the National Capital Region (NCR) to provide teachers and parents multiple opportunities to attend with various locations and times.

Q: What is presuppositional apologetics?

A: Presuppositional Apologetics is a biblical apologetic that glorifies God by demonstrating that because God is the presupposition of all (Gen 1:1) that life does not make sense unless you start with HIM.

 Q: Why should I attend?

A: To be encourage, equipped and  edified. To grow in the grace and knowledge of HIM.  To be challenged and  learn how to answer the militant fools  (atheist) of our day.  To, by the grace of God, become more biblical in one’s thinking and worldview.

Q: What is a practicum about?

A: The practicum is an optional event where one come and watch the presuppositional apologetic being used at the Lincoln Memorial. Come and watch, observe. On-site prayers are requested too.  Come and be encouraged. Grow in your faith, by His grace.

Q:  Why the Lincoln Memorial?

A: The Lincoln Memorial is a free speech place and usually has nice crowds too.

Q: What is the Worldview talk about?

A: Definition, components and development of a worldview will be discussed. Biblical and nonbiblical worldview examples will be offered.

 Q: Can we have this seminar for our special group?

A: Maybe. Please email Brian Tait @  btaitcc@aol.com  with the details.

Q: How can I learn more about Sye Ten Bruggencate?

A:  His website is www.proofthatgodexist.org. His DVD is How To Answer The Fool  which can be purchased and viewed online.

Q: If someone else really wants to attend, can they?

A:  Yes. My hope is all who want to attend, will.