Category: Teens
Posts in this category give details on events, activities, and ministries for teenagers.
Communicant’s Classes Begin Sept. 12, 2017
Any young people who desire to become communing* members of Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church are invited to attend a 13 week session of Communicant’s Classes on Tuesday evenings beginning September 12, 2017.
Please contact Pastor Mang if you have any questions.
*Communing members are those who have made a profession of faith
in Christ, have been baptized, and have been admitted by the Session to the Lord’s Table. (Book of Church Order 6-2)
Teen/Young Adult Volunteers Needed
Teen/Young Adult Volunteers Needed: We need some volunteers to provide childcare for the parenting conference on Friday evening and Saturday morning, Sept 29th and 30th. We will take a collection to pay you for your time. This if a great way to serve the young families in our church body. Please contact Robin Deane if you are willing and able to help one or both days.
Teen Paint Night
Paint Night for teens ages 13-19 will be August 16 at 7pm. Parents: please contact Laurie Mang if your teen is interested. A supplies list will follow once your teen is signed up. This is a wonderful opportunity for a fun activity and fellowship!
Manassas VBS Registration
Church Family Campout 2017: May 11-13th
Family Campout 2017 - Thursday afternoon thru Saturday, May 11-13th. Come when you can for as long as you can. At the Deane’s in Catlett, VA. Porta-Potty and Handwash Station provided. There are handouts in the foyer with more details on what to bring and what is available. If you have any questions please see Joe or Robin Deane or Dave Dise. Please sign-up on the bulletin board so we know who to expect.
Missions Banquest Saturday, October 29, 2016

Men and Boys Campout: October 6-8th
Men and Boys Campout: The annual campout will be held Thursday afternoon thru Saturday, October 6-8th. Come when you can for as long as you can. It will be at the Deane property, (2590 Golden Pheasant Place, Catlett, VA 20119). A porta-potty, sink, non-potable water, and firewood are provided. Many activities are available: Fishing; Hiking; Horse-shoes; Tomahawk Throwing; Wood-splitting; Safe Firearms Range; Frisbee golf; Kayak and Canoe; Rope Wall; Archery; Swimming. Please pick up a flyer in the foyer for more information and sign-up if you plan to attend. For any questions, please see Joe Deane or Dave Dise.
Teen Girls Pool Party – July 9th
On July 9th from 3-5 there will be a pool party at
the Deane’s for the teen girls.
Please bring towel, sunscreen (as it is not provided) , dry change of
clothes, and sunglasses. There will be grilled hotdogs, beverages, and
snacks provided for after the swimming. If there are challenges with
transportation, please don’t let that stop anyone. There are some who could
Any questions, please call Laurie Mang, Virginia Furr, or .
Communicants’ Class
Men and Boys Campout: Sunday evening thru Tuesday, October 11-13
Men and Boys Campout: Sunday evening thru Tuesday, October 11-13 at the Deane property. If you didn’t sign up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board please RSVP to Robin Deane.
Summer Sunday School Program
Beginning Sunday, May 31, 2015, we will be studying Pilgrim’s Progress in the adult Sunday school class for our summer series.
Thanks to Great Commission Publications @GCP_Publication the children’s classes will also be studying Pilgrim’s Progress using these great new resources.
Be sure to join us for Sunday school this summer.