Palates and Palettes Paint Night: Friday, December 13, 2019

  • Palates and Palettes Paint Night: Friday, December 13th, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

    We’ll have a holiday Palates and Palettes paint night at the Kims’ home! We’ll make a holiday painting that you can hang on your wall each year for the holidays.  Please, bring Christmas goodies and beverages to share. Laurie Mang will be instructing the paint class; RSVP to Laurie to save your spot.

2019 Teen Vacation Bible School

VBS is not just for little kids anymore. We are offering a week long evening VBS program for rising 7th through 12th graders. This program, which features compelling stories and lessons from the great and timeless “Pilgrim’s Progress,” will include singing, discussion time, as well as a fun-filled game time and snacks.

7pm to 9 PM
June 17, 2019 – June 21, 2019

Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church
13201 Spriggs Road
Manassas, VA 20112

Register free at:
or call 703-791-5555

2019 Teen VBS Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for the Teen Vacation Bible School at Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church which will run from 7-9pm, June 17-21, 2019. This “Pilgrim’s Progress” teen VBS program is open to rising 7 – 12th graders. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

To learn about the morning VBS program for k-6th graders click here.

2019 VBS Volunteer Registration

Lace up your running shoes and get ready for SRPC Vacation Bible School 2019!

The Incredible Race VBS will run from June 17th – 21st, from 9-12:30.

Volunteers are still needed! Thank you to all who have volunteered already and signed up!

We need you to officially register at the link below.



Teen Actors Needed for VBS: The VBS staff is looking for several teens

to act in a play that will be performed in installments every day at VBS.

Previous acting experience is not required. If interested, please talk to

Laura Underwood.

For all other VBS questions contact Nancy Gennaro.