Food Pantry Donations

The Deacons are continuing to collect non-perishable food items and general items for those in need in our community. Items can be placed in the blue bin in the hallway. Please contact Dan Bredbenner with any questions.  The items most needed according to the ACTS website (Jan 2021) are:

Canned and Dried Food
Breakfast items cereal, oatmeal, grits, etc.
Peanut butter and jelly
Canned or dry beans
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Canned meats (tuna, chicken)
Whole-grain pasta
Canned tomato sauce
Brown Rice
Cooking oil
Canned soup
General Items
Pull-ups and diapers size 5/6
Toilet Paper
Laundry Soap
Dish Soap
Feminine Hygiene Products

MNA Disaster Response Update: April 2020

Our denomination’s Mission to North America Disaster Response organization has much of its operations on hold due to COVID-19. This organization deploys volunteers to areas hit by a hurricane, flood, tornado, or some other natural disaster to provide assistance in clean up and recovery. Unfortunately, the current travel restrictions in place due to the pandemic have limited their ability to minister in this way. Once the travel bans are lifted they will need teams of volunteers to help with efforts that have been left incomplete due to COVID-19, as well as response to new need that are likely to result in the coming storm season.

Please visit their website to learn more

In a recent letter they also encourage churches to use this time to consider forming teams to develop their own disaster preparedness programs. MNA Disaster Response offers workshops and seminars to help with these efforts.

2019 Teen Vacation Bible School

VBS is not just for little kids anymore. We are offering a week long evening VBS program for rising 7th through 12th graders. This program, which features compelling stories and lessons from the great and timeless “Pilgrim’s Progress,” will include singing, discussion time, as well as a fun-filled game time and snacks.

7pm to 9 PM
June 17, 2019 – June 21, 2019

Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church
13201 Spriggs Road
Manassas, VA 20112

Register free at:
or call 703-791-5555

2019 Vacation Bible School

“The Incredible Race” Vacation Bible School

A full week of fun, games, singing, snacks, and learning great lessons from the Bible for rising kindergarten to 6th graders.

June 17, 2019 to June 21, 2019

Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church
13201 Spriggs Road
Manassas, VA 20112

Register today at: call 703-791-5555



2019 Teen VBS Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for the Teen Vacation Bible School at Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church which will run from 7-9pm, June 17-21, 2019. This “Pilgrim’s Progress” teen VBS program is open to rising 7 – 12th graders. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

To learn about the morning VBS program for k-6th graders click here.

2019 VBS “The Incredible Race” Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the Vacation Bible School at Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church which will run from 9am-12:30pm, June 17-21, 2019. “The Incredible Race” morning VBS program is open to rising K – 6th graders. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

To learn about the evening teen VBS program that same week click here.

2019 VBS Volunteer Registration

Lace up your running shoes and get ready for SRPC Vacation Bible School 2019!

The Incredible Race VBS will run from June 17th – 21st, from 9-12:30.

Volunteers are still needed! Thank you to all who have volunteered already and signed up!

We need you to officially register at the link below.



Teen Actors Needed for VBS: The VBS staff is looking for several teens

to act in a play that will be performed in installments every day at VBS.

Previous acting experience is not required. If interested, please talk to

Laura Underwood.

For all other VBS questions contact Nancy Gennaro.

First Sunday “Food Pantry” Collection: April 7, 2019

On the first Sunday of each month, the SRPC Diaconate collects canned and dry goods for the local food pantry. Please bring an item or two to donate to the local food pantry and place it in the bin in the foyer.

Items most needed:


  • Breakfast items cereal, oatmeal, grits, etc.
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Canned or dry beans
  • Honey
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned meats (tuna, chicken)
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Canned tomato sauce
  • Brown Rice
  • Milk
  • Cooking oil
  • Canned soup
  • Coffee


  • Pull-ups and diapers size 5/6
  • Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Wipes
  • Shampoo
  • Toilet Paper
  • Laundry Soap
  • Dish Soap
  • Feminine Hygiene Products

2019 VBS Volunteers and Other Help Needed

The Incredible Race VBS June 17 – 21

We need volunteers to make this year’s VBS a success.  Please contact Nancy Gennaro for more details.

Also, we need sodas, juices, and small water bottles for VBS. If you are able, please bring a 12-pack of soda, juice, or water, and place it on the kitchen counter by the window.

More opportunities to help with VBS will be announced in the coming weeks.