The Tuesday Prayer Meeting will meet via a video conferencing medium. Please look for an email with details on how to log in.
Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts2:42
Posts in this category are news & announcements about SRPC.
The Tuesday Prayer Meeting will meet via a video conferencing medium. Please look for an email with details on how to log in.
We will live-stream a modified worship service this Sunday, April 5, 2020 beginning at our usual Sunday worship time of 10:45 a.m.
The live stream will be accessed here or directly through Sermon Audio.
Bulletins, Worship Guides, and Sermon Notes are available on our Bulletins Page.
Please do not come to the church facility. The church facility remains closed to the public. We will utilize a bare-bones crew (Elders, AV personnel) for the live stream and will stay under the requested ten (10) person limit for public meetings.
There will be multiple communion services offered for Easter. Any are welcome to attend, however, these services are by appointment only in order to comply with the governor’s 10-person limit regarding public gatherings. Please read the email that Pastor Michael Mang sent out for a detailed explanation. If you did not get the email or if you have questions you may contact any of our pastors or elders. Please use the sign up link below for to make an appointment to attend.
The administrative committee of our denomination has put an excellent resource on its website. It is a prayer guide for 30 Days of Prayer. Each day highlights a particular attribute of God, gives Scripture to read and meditate upon, lists items to consider for prayer, and features a video-led prayer by a pastor in our denomination. Please consider using this great resource during these uncertain and unnerving times we are currently facing.
Teens are invited to meet with Pastor Matt using Zoom this Saturday at 4pm! We’ll study Philippians and try out a few Zoom games together! We’ll be done just in time for you to have dinner. (In your own home of course). See you Saturday! Meeting ID and password can be found in an email that was sent to church members. If you did not get the email, or if you would like more details feel free to contact Pastor Matt.
I hope this ends sooner then we think, but in case this drags on for sometime I think some observations from the church in China might be useful for us. (This is the counselor side of your assistant pastor coming out)
The following is a list of phases that missionaries observed (you may have seen this) people go through over time in quarantine. It helps just to know so you think you’re not the crazy one feeling this way…as in “no temptation has seized you except what is common to man…” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Also so you can mention it without shame as well as ask for prayer.
Let’s continue to be in prayer for one another!
Here are are the phases as related to me by an unnamed missionary in China:
Phase 1: Anxiety – this is the time the family/individuals are most focused towards a common threat, the sole aim is to prep enough food and supplies to ensure the family’s physical needs are met with the uncertainty ahead. Fear is prevalent, and thus possibly more prone to violent and hostile behaviors based on survival instincts and concerns for families well-being.
Phase 2: Isolation – after awhile the reality of the quarantine, constant seclusion in residence and severed social networking hits hard with constant media dooms-day predictions, lack of information on what to do, etc. which causes stress and anxiety to escalate. Common issues we’ve observed are increases in anxiousness, conflicts/arguments, anger and/or violence.
Phase 3: Helplessness – uncertainly of when will it end makes people feel like life’s losing control. Continual fear of contagion, infection, illness and death cause stress and anxiety to increase exponentially. Shock, numbness, confusion, depression, grief, anger, and frustration results. For some they will be more prone to temptations of sinful behaviors and activities to escape, or an attempt to seemingly regain control in life. Great spiritual battles during this phase.
Phase 4: Hopelessness – with seemingly no end in sight individuals may start to act or think in extreme ways. Loss of faith in government, health institutions, and trust between peoples. More prone to conspiracy theories and believed to be treated unfairly (victim of unfairly distributed medical care and daily needs) and blame-shifting. Very prone to sins and temptations.
Not all people may go through all 4 phases, and some may even go forwards and backwards (phase 1 to 2 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 2 to 1). Reminder for us that at these tough times to keep a strong prayerful life, constant daily devotions with family members to minister to one another, and remind ourselves the Lordship of Christ and our daily reliance on Him and Him alone.
As the churches and Christian community prepping for the economical and physical effect the virus will have on us, let us not forget even when we are healthy physically one may not be healthy spiritually. Let us all pray and rely on Christ to carry our burdens through the storms ahead, and navigate us to the bright radiant sunshine of God’s glory.
On Tuesday night, at 7pm, Pastor Matt will host a prayer and devotion at in lieu of the Tuesday Word, Prayer, & Praise service.
This will be done with Zoom video conferencing platform. You do not need to create a Zoom account to participate. All are welcome to attend.
Topic: Matt Bowles’ Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 31, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 526 354
Password: 025409
Men’s Breakfast will meet via Zoom meeting, Mar 28, 2020 08:00 AM https://zoom.us/j/914193457 Meeting ID: 914 193 457
We will be using Devoted to God – Blueprints for Sanctification by Sinclair Ferguson The focus for this month’s study is the Introduction (pages ix-xiii) and the first half of chapter 1(pages 1-14) Study outline available below.
On Tuesday night, Pastor Matt will host a prayer and devotion at 7pm in lieu of the Tuesday Word, Prayer, & Praise service.
This will be done with Zoom video conferencing platform. You do not need to create a Zoom account to participate. All are welcome to attend.
Join the Zoom meeting via your web browser:
Navigate to https://zoom.us/j/7170757663
If the link above does not work follow these steps:
Join the Zoom meeting via your smart phone:
Join the Zoom meeting via One tap mobile
+16465588656,,7170757663# US (New York)
Join the Zoom meeting by dialing on telephone
+1 646 558 8656 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 253 215 8782 US
There are several secure ways to remotely donate to Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church.
Setting up an automatic electronic bill pay through your financial institution is an easy, no-fees way to tithe.
Alternatively, you may send no-fee payments to the church using Zelle through your bank’s mobile app. Zelle will ask for an email address or phone number. Please use: donate@spriggsroad.org or (703) 791-5555
A standard paper check can be mailed to the church at 13201 Spriggs Road, Manassas, VA 20112.
Also, you may use the PayPal option below. Please note, however, that PayPal does charge the church a fee to receive payments.
There are several ways to access SRPC’s live webcasts.
1) It is embedded on the church website at https://www.spriggsroad.org/SRPCwp/live-webcasts/
2) It can be viewed directly on Sermon Audio website at https://www.sermonaudio.com/spriggsroadpca
3) It can be view through the Sermon Audio app on a variety of streaming devices. For a full list of supported devices visit https://www.sermonaudio.com/mobile.asp
4) It can be heard through a telephone call to the Sermon Audio Listen Line. This may be a good option for people without a reliable high speed internet connection or who wish to conserve data usage.
5) View the Webcast on our Facebook Page.