SRPC College and Career Christmas Party: Dec. 21 6PM

There will be a Christmas Party for the SRPC College and Career Group on Dec. 21 from 6-9pm at the McNeills’ home. There will be pizza, Christmas goodies, games, a devotional time, and a white elephant gift exchange.

Each person should bring a wrapped gift for the gift exchange. The rules for the gift exchange are that you must NOT spend any money on the gift. It can be something that you already have that you no longer want or need or it could be something you make or a “re-gift”. Get creative.

Also, OPTIONAL, wear your ugliest or cutest or funniest or tackiest Christmas clothes because there might be prizes for such things.

So we can be sure to get the right amount of food and Christmas goodies, please RSVP to Pastor Matt  by Dec. 19th.

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service: Dec. 24, 2018 at 7pm

Join us for our lovely annual Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. The service will begin at 7pm and will include Scripture readings, a brief message from the pastor, congregational singing of traditional Christmas hymns, as well as some special musical offerings. The service concludes with singing “Silent Night” by candlelight.

We welcome any and all to come celebrate the nativity of the Lord Jesus with us.

Tuesday Ladies Bible Study: Dec. 11, 2018 at 10AM

Tuesday Ladies Bible Study will meet Dec. 11, 2018 at 10AM.

Please note: This will be our last meeting until the new year.

The ladies will meet at IHOP on Hoadly Road on January 8, 2019 for breakfast and fellowship. On January 15, 2019 they will resume regular 10AM meetings at the church to continue the study of Revelation.

If you have questions or would like to get a study guide please contact Laura McNeill.

SRPC Teen Christmas Party: Dec. 17, 2018

There will be a Christmas Party for the SRPC Teens on Dec. 17 from 6-9pm at the Deanes’ home. There will be a baked potato and toppings bar, Christmas goodies, games, a devotional time, and a white elephant gift exchange.

Each person should bring a wrapped gift for the gift exchange. The rules for the gift exchange are that you must NOT spend any money on the gift. It can be something that you already have that you no longer want or need — maybe a book you have already read or a toy you don’t use anymore. Or, it could be something you make — a craft or some baked goods. Get creative.

Also, OPTIONAL, wear your ugliest or cutest or funniest or tackiest Christmas clothes because there might be prizes for such things.

So we can be sure to get the right amount of food and Christmas goodies, please RSVP to Pastor Matt  by Dec. 15th.

2018 SRPC Christmas FLOCK Details

Christmas FLOCK (Fun-Loving Older Covenant Kids) is Saturday, December 8 at 6pm at the church. This is a much anticipated, fun-filled pot luck and white elephant gift exchange. It is for those who are 18 and older only. Please bring a main dish and a side or dessert.

To participate in the “white elephant” gift exchange each person should bring a wrapped gift. The gift can be something odd, funny, or quirky….SRPC Coconut Monkey

… it can be a food gift or gift card or something homemade or a toy or a holiday related item.  The gift can be something found around the home, a “re-gift” item, or something you have purchased.  However, please do NOT spend more than $15 for a purchased gift.

For those who are bringing children for the nursery—a meal is being planned for the children in the nursery. Amy Bowles and Karin Doe are coordinating the nursery meal. If you plan to bring children to the nursery, please contact Amy or Karin about what you need to bring.

Also, volunteers are needed to set up for the FLOCK dinner. Set up will be Friday night, December 7 at 7:00. Please contact Gina Powell if you are able to help with set up.

Fellowship Meal: Dec. 2, 2018

There will be a fellowship meal following the worship service on Dec. 2, 2018.

Please bring a main dish and one of the following: side dish, salad, or dessert. We like to make sure we have enough food to provide plenty even if guests/visitors did not bring food. As a rule of thumb, be sure what you bring is enough to feed your own family plus one visitor.

**Location Change** College and Career Event: Nov. 30th

PLEASE NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: It will be at the Mangs house!

On Friday, November 30th at 5:30pm there will be a Spriggs Road Young Adult/ College and Career Crew meeting.

An almost end of semester event!
And, a sendoff for Ashton before she goes to Panama!

A little chili, grilled cheese, games, and then a study/discussion after dinner.

You can contact Pastor Matt or comment on the facebook post to ask questions or to RSVP.