12-packs of soda are needed for the VBS this summer. These will be for the volunteers’ refreshments during VBS. If every family could bring one 12-pack of soda and leave it on the kitchen counter, that would help tremendously! Please label the 12-pack “VBS”.
Category: Families
Posts in this category are about SRPC activities, events, and ministries for the whole family.
Please read the areas of assistance needed below for VBS and consider whether or not you can help with these needs. Please contact Jemima if you have any questions or want further details.
Help Needed to Sew VBS Banners: We need help from those who can sew to make 5 banners for VBS this year. They will be Medieval-themed banners. Please see Jemima if you are able to help with this project.
Help Needed: We need an adult volunteer to help Gary Kruchten with the games at VBS. Volunteer needs to be available for either one or both weeks of VBS (July 10-14 at SRPC and/or July 25-28 at Herndon). Please see Gary if you are able to help.
**Cancelled** Church Campout 2017: May 11-13th

Church Family Campout 2017: May 11-13th
Family Campout 2017 - Thursday afternoon thru Saturday, May 11-13th. Come when you can for as long as you can. At the Deane’s in Catlett, VA. Porta-Potty and Handwash Station provided. There are handouts in the foyer with more details on what to bring and what is available. If you have any questions please see Joe or Robin Deane or Dave Dise. Please sign-up on the bulletin board so we know who to expect.
VBS 2017
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: VBS is so wonderful, we are going to do it twice! We will have VBS at SRPC on July 10-14. We will have VBS in Herndon for the First Asian Indian Presbyterian Church on July 25-28. We need volunteers! If you are able to help with one or both of these programs—please add your name to the sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Also, please pray for this year’s VBS program as plans start to come together.
This year we will do a Medieval-themed program titled: “A Mighty Fortress: In Jesus, the Victory is Won!â€
Walk for Life 2017
Walk for Life 2017 is scheduled for April 22 – Warrenton United Methodist Church; April 29 – Manassas Center; and May 6 – Woodbridge Center. The link to walk or volunteer is http://www.voice4life.org/
Christmas Eve Service: Dec. 24th at 6:30pm
Christmas Vespers: Tuesday, December 13th at 7pm
No Sunday School on December 25th
Fall Festival Saturday, November 5, 2016
Fall Festival will be Saturday, November 5! There are many needs for volunteers and items. Some needs not on the bulletin board: sodas and water, several outdoor power cords for items that will be outside and 3 power strips to plug crock pots into. There are other items needed on the bulletin board. Please add your name to the signup sheets on the bulletin board if you are able to help. Please see Gina Powell or Josh Powell with any questions. Also, be sure to take a some flyers from the welcome table and invite friends and neighbors!
Missions Banquest Saturday, October 29, 2016

Nursery Workers Needed
Elizabeth Albright will be making up a new schedule for nursery workers. If you are able to help with this important ministry please contact Elizabeth and let her know your availability.