Beginning Tuesday, September 18, at 7:00 p.m., the Tuesday evening format will feature 15-20 minutes of devotions from Scripture, 15-20 of prayer, and 15-20 minutes of singing songs (occasionally learning new ones). Childcare will be available. We will have pizza at 6:30pm for those who have signed up. There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer.
Category: Families
Posts in this category are about SRPC activities, events, and ministries for the whole family.
Men and Boys Campout: NOTE DATE CHANGE ***October 18-20th
Men and Boys Campout: The annual campout will be held Thursday afternoon thru Saturday, October 18-20th. Come when you can for as long as you can. It will be at the Deane property. A porta-potty, sink, non-potable water, and firewood are provided. Many activities are available: Fishing; Hiking; Horse-shoes; Tomahawk Throwing; Wood-splitting; Safe Firearms Range; Frisbee golf; Kayak and Canoe; Rope Wall; Archery. For any questions, please see Joe Deane or Dave Dise.
Church Picnic: Saturday, October 6th, 4 p.m. until dark
Fall Church Picnic will be held Saturday, October 6th, from 4 p.m. until dark, at the Deane property. Food will be served at 5 p.m. There will be a fire pit in the evening as well. The following are provided: hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, drinks, paper plates, and utensils. Please bring: a dessert and a side/salad to share (please bring serving utensils), lawn chairs and/or picnic blanket for your family, portable canopy if you want one, fishing pole and bait if you want to fish, football, frisbee, etc. Parents: There is a pond on the property. Please keep track of your little ones. We want everyone to be safe. There will be a sign-up in the foyer if you plan to attend. For any questions, please see Robin Deane or Gina Powell.
Fellowship Meal: Sunday, September 2nd
Sunday, September 2nd, we will have a Fellowship meal following the Worship Service, All are welcome. Please bring a main dish and one of the following: side, salad, or dessert.
It is our goal for regular attenders to bring enough food so that any visitors to our church can stay for the fellowship meal even if they did not bring food. A good rule of thumb is to bring enough food to feed your own family plus one guest.
Special VBS Edition of Spriggs Road Connects Newsletter
Please help VBS with Donations and Loaner Items Needed
We are looking for some items for the VBS set. Please contact David Dise if you can lend us an old steamer trunk or foot locker,
or weathered wood crates, boxes,
Also, there is a fish net hanging in the foyer of the church building with tags listing other items needed for the VBS. Please consider taking some of those tags and donating the items listed on them. This is a great way to contribute something to VBS if you are not able to give your time as a volunteer.
It has been the custom at SRPC that we provide lunch at the church building immediately following the end of the morning VBS session for the tired and hungry volunteers and their children. We are asking all who are able to please donate a 12-pack of soda, juice, or water for our VBS volunteers. Please label them “VBS” and place these on the counter near the window in the kitchen.
VBS 2018 Registration
Vacation Bible School 2018
Palettes and Palates Night: Friday, March 16th at 7pm
The next Palettes and Palates Night is Friday, March 16th at 7pm. This event is for those who are 16 and older. Please bring an appetizer and beverage to share. A paint supplies list will be emailed to all who sign up. Those wishing to attend should text or email Laurie Mang by March 11.
Important Details!! Friday, March 2: Marriage Conference
This is a reminder of “What Did You Expect” Conference on Friday evening, March 2 at 8pm – 10:00 pm, and Saturday morning, March 3, 8am – 12:00pm at Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church. Its not too late to sign up!
Nursery is provided. Please email Gina Powell ( if you need nursery to let her know how many children you will have in nursery.
Also, food will be served at both sessions. For Friday: meat, cheese and rolls will be available so folks can have a sandwich if they don’t have time for dinner. There will also be lettuce, tomatoes, and condiments as well as chips, fruit platter, veggie and dip tray, and brownies. Food for the Saturday session will include breakfast casserole, bagels and other breakfast foods.
“What Did You Expect?” Marriage Conference: March 2 & 3
Fellowship Meal/Missions Banquet: February 4
During the February “first Sunday” fellowship meal, the Mission Committee will be hosting their annual Missions Banquet. This will be held after the worship service on February 4. In order to highlight the global nature of Christian missions we would like have a variety of world cuisine for the meal. Please bring your family’s favorite international food –main dish, plus either a side dish or dessert– to share with the church family and hear about God’s work through the missionaries SRPC supports.