Please note there will be no Tuesday Prayer Meeting on Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
Tuesday evening meetings will resume on January 8th.
Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts2:42
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Please note there will be no Tuesday Prayer Meeting on Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
Tuesday evening meetings will resume on January 8th.
There will be a Christmas Party for the SRPC College and Career Group on Dec. 21 from 6-9pm at the McNeills’ home. There will be pizza, Christmas goodies, games, a devotional time, and a white elephant gift exchange.
Each person should bring a wrapped gift for the gift exchange. The rules for the gift exchange are that you must NOT spend any money on the gift. It can be something that you already have that you no longer want or need or it could be something you make or a “re-gift”. Get creative.
Also, OPTIONAL, wear your ugliest or cutest or funniest or tackiest Christmas clothes because there might be prizes for such things.
So we can be sure to get the right amount of food and Christmas goodies, please RSVP to Pastor Matt by Dec. 19th.