Zelle Donations

Please note that Zelle donations cannot be processed using the church phone number because it is a land line rather than a cell phone number. When using Zelle to send a donation simply use the donate@spriggsroad.org email address.

For other ways to send tithes visit our updated DONATE page.

If you have additional questions on donating to Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church please contact Lloyd Moore.

MNA Disaster Response Update: April 2020

Our denomination’s Mission to North America Disaster Response organization has much of its operations on hold due to COVID-19. This organization deploys volunteers to areas hit by a hurricane, flood, tornado, or some other natural disaster to provide assistance in clean up and recovery. Unfortunately, the current travel restrictions in place due to the pandemic have limited their ability to minister in this way. Once the travel bans are lifted they will need teams of volunteers to help with efforts that have been left incomplete due to COVID-19, as well as response to new need that are likely to result in the coming storm season.

Please visit their website to learn more https://pcamna.org/disaster-response/

In a recent letter they also encourage churches to use this time to consider forming teams to develop their own disaster preparedness programs. MNA Disaster Response offers workshops and seminars to help with these efforts.

Woodbridge Area Discipleship Group Virtual Meetings: April 20, 2020

The Woodbridge Area Discipleship Group led by Charlie Kim is meeting by video conference every other Monday from 7-8pm. Upcoming dates are:

April 20, May 4, and May 18

This group is studying a series by Dr. James Anderson which prepares Christians to better witness to their Muslim neighbors with gentleness and respect, as he surveys the central tenets, history, and practices of the Islamic religion. This is a series to stir confidence in the gospel and to equip Christians to speak the truth in love to the Muslims in their community. 

Anyone is welcome to join. Please email Charlie Kim if you are interested and he will send you the video link.

Easter Sunday Live Stream Worship Service: April 12, 2020

Join us at 10:45 a.m. for a webcast of our Easter Sunday worship service. Worship Guides, Bulletins, and Sermon Notes can be found by going to the Bulletins page.

Only those participating in the production of the webcast may attend at the church building. The building remains closed to the public. Please do not come to the building unless you have been invited by a member of session. All are welcome to join the worship service via webcast at: http://www.sermonaudio.com/spriggsroadpca orhttps://www.spriggsroad.org/SRPCwp/live-webcasts/