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Newly Elected Officers
SRPC welcomes two newly elected Elders, Dan Bredbenner and Ryan Heisey, and two newly elected Deacons, Charlie Kim and Erik Woloszczuk, to the Session and Diaconate respectively. All four were duly elected by the congregation on February 14, 2021. An ordination and installation service for the officers-elect is tentatively planned for March 7, 2021.
In addition, Assistant Pastor Matt Bowles was elected by the congregation as Associate Pastor at the same congregational meeting. He will be installed after the March 20 meeting of Potomac Presbytery to take his seat as a voting member of the Session.
Bulletins: February 21, 2021
First Service Cancelled 2/14/2020
Because of the weather, we are cancelling the 9:00 service on Sunday, February 14.
We believe that it will be warmer later in the morning and are planning on having the 10:45 in-person service. We will also be livestreaming for any who do not feel comfortable venturing out in the weather.
We will also still have our planned congregational meeting at approximately 12:30 to vote on candidates for the office of Ruling Elder and of Deacon, as well as vote on calling Pastor Matt Bowles as our Associate Pastor.
Stay warm and dry.
Bulletin: February 14, 2021
Winter Weather Schedule Change: Sunday, February 7, 2021
Due to the wintry weather conditions, there will be no in-person worship Sunday, February 7, 2021. Please join us at 10:45 a.m. for online service.
Bulletin: February 7, 2021
No In-Person Worship: Sunday, January 31, 2021
After consultation in view of the approaching winter snow and ice mix, the Elders and Deacons have determined to cancel the in-person worship services for tomorrow.
There will be a live-streamed sermon from Pastor Michael at the usual 10:45 a.m.
Food Pantry Donations
The Deacons are continuing to collect non-perishable food items and general items for those in need in our community. Items can be placed in the blue bin in the hallway. Please contact Dan Bredbenner with any questions. The items most needed according to the ACTS website (Jan 2021) are:
Canned and Dried Food
Breakfast items cereal, oatmeal, grits, etc.
Peanut butter and jelly
Canned or dry beans
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Canned meats (tuna, chicken)
Whole-grain pasta
Canned tomato sauce
Brown Rice
Cooking oil
Canned soup
General Items
Pull-ups and diapers size 5/6
Toilet Paper
Laundry Soap
Dish Soap
Feminine Hygiene Products
Ridge Haven Youth Summer Service Project
The annual SRPC youth service project at Ridge Haven for rising 6th – 12th graders is scheduled for July 26-31, 2021. Monday, Feb. 1 is the last day to get the early registration discount. Please see Pastor Matt for details.
This is a great opportunity for middle and high school students to enjoy a summer camp experience with all the fun activities and inspiring worship times of regular camps while also working as a team on a service project for 3-4 hours each day. This is the perfect way for youth to not only experience the adventure of a camp, but also put their faith into action.
Women’s Ministry Conference: February 18-20 2021
The PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) will be conducting its annual Women’s Ministries conference virtually this year on February 18-20, 2021. Any women interested in attending are welcome to register. The conference theme is: The Promise of His Presence: Living and Leading Covenantally ~ A Virtual Interactive Conference Experience designed to equip women and build His Church. The link to register can be found at
Congregational Meeting: February 14, 2021
There will be a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 14, 2021, following the second worship service at approximately 12:30 p.m. There will be an option for members to connect to the meeting via Zoom.
The purpose of the meeting is twofold: 1) to proceed to the election of additional Ruling Elders and Deacons; and 2) to act on the recommendation of the Session for the congregation to call Matteson Bowles, currently Assistant Pastor, as Associate Pastor of Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church.
If you have questions, please see one of the elders or Pastor Mang.