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Bulletin: 5/16/2021
Fellowship Meal: June 6, 2021
THERE WILL BE A FELLOWSHIP MEAL FOLLOWING THE SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP ON JUNE 6. Tentatively, the plan is to have a section of tables available for those who wish to bring their own lunch and remain adequately distanced from others. There will also be the typical potluck dinner featuring amazing home-cooked cuisine, hopefully with plenty of Biblically-sanctioned meatballs!
The Session is making plans to return to our original worship schedule starting on the first Sunday in June (June 6). Worship will begin at 10:45 a.m. For those who wish or need to maintain distance and caution, there will be a dedicated section behind the piano where worshippers can remain distanced from one another and where wear face coverings will be worn. Entering and exiting will be through the back entrance of the sanctuary. Previously, we announced that we would not be having a Fellowship Dinner after worship on Sunday, June 6. THIS HAS CHANGED. THERE WILL BE A FELLOWSHIP MEAL FOLLOWING THE SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP ON JUNE 6. Tentatively, the plan is to have a section of tables available for those who wish to bring their own lunch and remain adequately distanced from others. There will also be the typical potluck dinner featuring amazing home-cooked cuisine, hopefully with plenty of Biblically-sanctioned meatballs! As for the Sunday School schedule, our intention is also to begin offering the normal schedule on June 6, but this will ultimately depend upon staffing of the various grade levels and determining certain procedures to be observed. We appeal to the members of the congregation to consider helping out as teachers, assistants, or backups in one of the following areas for the coming year, especially if you have not done so before: Nursery; Pre-K to 2nd grade; Upper Elementary Grades 3-5; Middle Grades 6-8; and High School. Our hope is to begin offering Sunday School as soon as these necessary matters are settled and in place. If enough help out in these important ministries the load can be shared more broadly. A committee of Elders has been tasked by the Session to coordinate the necessary staffing needs and the logistics of conducting the classes and to bring recommendations to the Session at the next stated meeting of the Session on May 10. We welcome input and feedback, so if you wish to offer an opinion or a concern, please let the members of this committee know as soon as possible. The members of this committee are: Pastor Matt, RE Joe Deane, and RE Dan Bredbenner. Further announcements about more of the specifics involved in the Sunday School ministry will be forthcoming. We ask the body to be patient and understanding with one another during this transition. We are trying to anticipate as many scenarios, perspectives, and angles as we can, but likely there may be something overlooked. Please keep this next phase of congregational life in your prayers as we work toward regaining and restoring the fuller mission of the Church to gather and perfect the saints of God.
Bulletin: May 9, 2021
Bulletin 05/02/2021
Church Family Campout: May 20-22, 2021

The SRPC Family Campout will be held May 20-22nd at the Deane property. Please add to your calendar and plan to join us for any and/or all activities. More information to follow. If you have any questions, please see Joe Deane or Dave Dise.