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Bulletin: October 17, 2021
Bulletin 10/10/2021
Bulletin October 3, 2021
Fellowship Meal: October 3, 2021
There will be a fellowship meal following the worship service on Sunday, October 3, 2021. All are welcome to attend.

Please bring a main dish and either a side, salad, or dessert.
Since we like to have enough food so that even visitors who did not bring food may join us for the meal, please think in terms of bringing enough food for your own family plus one more.
Seniors Brown Bag Lunch: October 13, 2021

Seniors’ Fellowship Lunch resume on Wednesday, October 13th from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring your own lunch and join us for a good time of fellowship. Contact Paula Strain for details.
Annual Men & Boys Campout: October 14-16, 2021

The Annual Men & Boys Campout will be held October 14-16. Contact Joe Deane for details.
Fall Church Work Day: October 23, 2021
The annual fall church work day will be held on October 23, 2021 (rain date October 30, 2021). Contact Charlie Kim for details.