Due to technical issues last week, we will not be transmitting the Sunday service through the FM signal this coming Sunday, May, 24, 2020. Please visit this page to find out ways to view the live stream.
Author: srpc
FM Transmission of Service Beginning May 17, 2020

We will begin FM transmission of the services beginning May 17, 2020. Those who would like to listen to the service from the church parking lot may tune to 88.9 FM.
Please note that the facility is still closed to all except those participating in the live stream service, however any are welcome to park in the church parking lot and listen in their cars.
Church Family Campout Postponed

Since the 10-person rule is still in effect, we are going to push the family campout a few more weeks to see if we can do it. The new dates are June 11-13. We will have the pool open and available. We will also plan to have 2 porta potties and divide up the families for limiting exposure… If you are thinking about coming, let the Deanes know so they have an idea of how many will try to attend.
Worship Service: May 17, 2020

Tomorrow’s worship service will be live-streamed at 10:45 am. Bulletins and worship guides may be accessed on the Bulletins tab of the website main menu. On site access continues to be limited to a live stream crew of 10 or fewer. Please DO NOT come into the building if you have not specifically be requested to do so by a member of the SRPC session.
It is our intent to have in-person worship services at 50% capacity beginning on May 31, 2020. Updates will be published as that date draws near.
Teen Night: May 15, 2020

Pastor Matt will host a TEEN ZOOM MEETING on Friday, May 15th at 3:30 pm. Join him for a Bible lesson and some Zoom games. Log in information will be sent in an email.
Tuesday Devotion and Prayer Night: May 12, 2020

Join Pastor Matt this evening for a short devotional and prayer time at 7 pm. Check your email for Zoom meeting log in details.
Church Logo Design Contest

We are looking to update the church logo and we need your help!
We are inviting anyone from our church family to submit designs for a new church logo. This might be a great rainy day activity or a way to pass the time during this time of social distancing. Whether you consider yourself to be a skilled artist or if you just like to dabble in graphic design we’d love to see what you can come up with.
Click the button below to download the rules and submission requirements.
PCA Chaplain Ministries Prayer Guide and Newsletter
2020 Annual SRPC Family Campout: Date Change

The date for the Annual SRPC Family Campout has been changed to May 21 – May 23. This, of course, is contingent upon a change in the current stay-at-home mandate currently in place in the commonwealth. Please add these dates to your calendar. More information will follow. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Deane or Dave Dise.
Mark 4:35-41 Video Devotional from Jon Powell
Jon Powell gives a short video devotional on Mark 4:35-41. Jon and his wife, Olya, serve with Mission to the World in Ukraine. Learn more about them at https://www.mtw.org/missionaries/details/jon-and-olya-powell
Zelle Donations

Please note that Zelle donations cannot be processed using the church phone number because it is a land line rather than a cell phone number. When using Zelle to send a donation simply use the donate@spriggsroad.org email address.
For other ways to send tithes visit our updated DONATE page.
If you have additional questions on donating to Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church please contact Lloyd Moore.
MNA Disaster Response Update: April 2020
Our denomination’s Mission to North America Disaster Response organization has much of its operations on hold due to COVID-19. This organization deploys volunteers to areas hit by a hurricane, flood, tornado, or some other natural disaster to provide assistance in clean up and recovery. Unfortunately, the current travel restrictions in place due to the pandemic have limited their ability to minister in this way. Once the travel bans are lifted they will need teams of volunteers to help with efforts that have been left incomplete due to COVID-19, as well as response to new need that are likely to result in the coming storm season.
Please visit their website to learn more https://pcamna.org/disaster-response/
In a recent letter they also encourage churches to use this time to consider forming teams to develop their own disaster preparedness programs. MNA Disaster Response offers workshops and seminars to help with these efforts.