Please note there will not be a Tuesday prayer meeting this week.
Author: srpc
**Updated Announcement** Spriggs Park Day: June 27, 2019
The Spriggs Park Day will not be at 2pm at Andrew Leitch Park as was previously announced. Instead, please join us for fun and fellowship at the Kims’ house on Thursday, June 27 from 10:30-12. Please bring a picnic lunch for your family.
Please let Amy Bowles know if you plan to be there.
Ladies Bible Study: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 10am
Ladies Book Club: Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:30pm
Ladies Book Club will meet on Thursday, June 27 at 6:30pm at the home of Susan Shirasago. We will discuss “The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. If you have questions contact Maria Ettema.
Spriggs Park Day: June 27, 2019, 2pm
Spriggs Park Day: Meet up on June 27 at 2pm. Moms and children please meet us at the park for a great time of play and socializing. We’ll meet at
Andrew Leitch Park in Woodbridge. Contact- Amy Bowles
2019 Summer Break for Choirs
Next Fellowship Meal July 7, 2019
Please note the following is a correction to June 23, 2019 Bulletin announcements. The next fellowship meal will be July 7, 2019, not June 3oth as the bulletin indicated. Likewise the diaconal food collection for the local food pantry will also be on July 7th.