Effective September, 20, 2020, we have made the following changes to the policies concerning the first service.
Beginning this coming Lord’s Day, September 20, the first service (9:00 a.m.) will be a mask mandatory service.
It means the following will be observed:
1. Masks must be worn at all times except for when the participants are taking the elements of the Lord’s Supper
2. The elders leading the service will not wear masks when on the platform but will don them when they step down from the platform
As always we are to remember to practice social distancing as much as is practically possible.
We took these actions, not in reaction or response to any organization outside of the church, but out of a love and concern for those within the church who did not feel comfortable with our current practice.
As always, please remember to use prudence regarding your health. Don’t feel obligated to come to church if you still feel uncomfortable, or, if you are sick, please remain home and take advantage of our live stream.
As always your session longs to hear from you and we are always looking for ways that we can better minister to you all.