Valentine FLOCK: Feb. 9, 2019, 6pm

Valentine FLOCK Game

Valentine FLOCK (Fun-loving Older Covenant Kids) will be Saturday, February 9 at 6pm. FLOCK events are fun-filled events for the adults of our church family. There will be nursery available for those who need it.

A sign up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. If you have not yet signed up and you wish to attend please email Gina Powell as soon as possible with an RSVP of how many will attend and specify if you will have children in the nursery.

Please bring a main dish AND choose either a side or dessert to bring with the main dish.

We will have a Valentine FLOCK game: Please send a picture of yourself as a child doing some activity (horseback riding, soccer, gymnastics, etc.). We would like to collect one picture for each person attending. The game will be to match the childhood picture with the adults attending. Please send your picture to Maria Ettema, or place it in the envelope provided on the bulletin board.