Brush up your parenting skills and be encouraged: We will be hosting a live-streaming parenting conference by Paul David Tripp on Sept 29th and 30th. Please mark your calendars and save the dates. The conference is based on his book Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family. This is open to all, whether parents of young or older children, grandparents, future parents, those working with children… The conference will be at SRPC on Friday evening from 7pm to 10pm and Saturday morning from 9am to noon. Childcare will be provided, but please note the late night on Friday. Please RSVP if you plan to come and if/when you will need childcare to Feel free to invite others to this event, but childcare will only be for SRPC members and regular attendees If able, please plan to bring an appetizer or dessert on Friday and a breakfast item to share on Saturday.
Parenting Conference Sept. 29 and 30